Prevent Ovarian Cancer Program is a Princess Margaret initiative that targets women who are considered high risk for diagnosis. Lamb Creative Group was recruited for promotion, publicity and creative. We constructed a social media strategy that increased pushed awareness during Ovarian Cancer month. The press tour orchestrated included appearances by Dr. Marcus Bernardini on Canada AM, Breakfast Television (City TV) appearances, Toronto Star coverage and regional Ontario newspapers.
Emmy award winning Guru Studios tasked LCG with promotion for the Treehouse Dino Paws App. To achieve this goal we created an ‘Epic’ adventure activation at Ontario Place Kids Play Area.
The Dino Paws app was featured in the Apple Store at #1 for weeks.
Additionally, we were engaged for the promotion of the digital series Nemesis, aimed at 10-14-year-old boys. gained enough traction for Teletoon to greenlight for a television series. We held an event at Skyzone Trampoline park for the target demo could comment, share and experience Nemesis.